Birding Korea

Tour Reports/April

Guided Birding Tour in April 2017

BirdingKorea 2017. 7. 28. 17:23

Guided Birding Tour in April 2017

Pohlman Kurt from Hawaii

  • Oiyeon island, Chungnam province, South Korea on 22nd~23rd April 2017
  • West Coast, Chungnam province, South Korea including Cheonsu-bay on 23rd April 2017

Bird list of Oiyeon island 

  • Eastern Spot-billed Duck
  • Chinese Pond Heron
  • Grey Heron
  • Great Egret
  • Great Cormorant
  • Peregrine Falcon
  • Black-tailed Gull
  • Vega Gull
  • Oriental Turtle Dove
  • Oriental Cuckoo
  • Ashy Minivet
  • Bull-headed Shrike
  • Brown Shrike
  • Black-billed Magpie
  • Great Tit
  • Yellow-bellied Tit
  • Barn Swallow
  • Brown-eared Bulbul
  • Japanese Bush Warbler
  • Radde's Warbler
  • Yellow-browed Warbler
  • Japanese White-eye
  • Winter Wren
  • White-cheeked Starling
  • Grey-backed Thrush
  • Pale Thrush
  • Brown-headed Thrush
  • Dusky Thrush
  • Siberian Rubythroat
  • Siberian Blue Robin
  • Orange-flanked Bush Robin
  • Daurian Redstart
  • Eurasian Stone Chat
  • Blue Rock Thrush
  • Yellow-rumped Flycatcher
  • Narcissus Flycatcher
  • Blue-and-White Flycatcher
  • White Wagtail
  • Olive-backed Pipit
  • Pechora Pipit
  • Red-throated Pipit
  • Buff-bellied Pipit
  • Brambling
  • Eurasian Siskin
  • Tristram's Bunting
  • Chestnut-eared Bunting
  • Little Bunting
  • Yellow-browed Bunting
  • Black-faced Bunting

Bird list of West Coast

  • Mallard
  • Northern Shoveller
  • Garganey
  • Great Crested Grebe
  • Black-faced Spoonbill
  • Grey Heron
  • Great Egret
  • Little Egret
  • Chinese Egret
  • Great Cormorant
  • Common Kestrel
  • Eurasian Coot
  • Hooded Crane
  • Eurasian Oystercatcher
  • Black-winged Stilt
  • Grey Plover
  • Little Ringed Plover
  • Kentish Plover
  • Black-tailed Godwit
  • Bar-tailed Godwit
  • Whimbrel
  • Eastern Curlew
  • Marsh Sandpiper
  • Common Greenshank
  • Wood Sandpiper
  • Terek Sandpiper
  • Great Knot
  • Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
  • Dunlin
  • Black-tailed Gull
  • Black-headed Gull
  • Saunders's Gull
  • Oriental Turtle Dove
  • Black-billed Magpie
  • Barn Swallow
  • Eurasian Tree Sparrow
  • White Wagtail

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