Birding Korea

Tour Reports/May

Guided Birding Tour Reports in May 2017

BirdingKorea 2017. 7. 31. 15:56

Guided Birding Tour Reports in May 2017




A birder from US

- Kangwha island and Han River estuary, Incheon, South Korea on 11th May 2017

- Hi-light bird list

    • Ring-necked Pheasant
    • Ruddy Shelduck
    • Mandarin Duck
    • Black-faced Spoonbill
    • Chinese Egret
    • Water Rail
    • Pied Avocet
    • Grey Plover
    • Long-billed Plover
    • Bar-tailed Godwit
    • Whimbrel
    • Eurasian Curlew
    • Eastern Curlew
    • Spotted Redshank
    • Common Greenshank
    • Wood Sandpiper
    • Terek Sandpiper
    • Common Sandpiper
    • Great Knot
    • Long-toed Stint
    • Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
    • Dunlin
    • Mongolian Gull
    • Little Tern
    • Indian Cuckoo
    • Common Cuckoo
    • Oriental Dollarbird
    • Brown Shrike
    • Black-naped Oriole
    • Large-billed Crow
    • Varied Tit
    • Oriental Reed Warbler
    • Vinous-throated Parrotbill
    • White-cheeked Starling
    • Grey-backed Thrush
    • Daurian Redstart
    • Yellow Wagtail
    • Buff-bellied Pipit
    • Meadow Bunting


A birder from US

- Nami island, Gangwon province, South Korea on 14th May 2017

- Hi-light bird list

    • Ring-necked Pheasant
    • Eastern Spot-billed Duck
    • Grey-faced Buzzard
    • Indian Cuckoo
    • Common Cuckoo
    • Oriental Dollarbird
    • Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker
    • Great Spotted Woodpecker
    • Grey-headed Woodpecker
    • Black-naped Oriole
    • Large-billed Crow
    • Marsh Tit
    • Long-tailed Tit
    • Eurasian Nuthatch
    • Yellow-rumped Flycatcher


A birder from India

- Kangwha island and Han River estuary, Incheon, South Korea on 15th May 2017


- Hi-light bird list

    • Ring-necked Pheasant
    • Great Crested Grebe
    • Black-faced Spoonbill
    • Black-crowned Night Heron
    • Chinese Egret
    • Grey-faced Buzzard
    • Grey Plover
    • Little Ringed Plover
    • Bar-tailed Godwit
    • Whimbrel
    • Eurasian Curlew
    • Eastern Curlew
    • Common Greenshank
    • Wood Sandpiper
    • Terek Sandpiper
    • Common Sandpiper
    • Little Tern
    • Indian Cuckoo
    • Eurasian Eagle-Owl
    • Oriental Dollarbird
    • Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker
    • Great Spotted Woodpecker
    • Grey-headed Woodpecker
    • Black-naped Oriole
    • Azure-winged Magpie
    • Varied Tit
    • Japanese Bush Warbler
    • Oriental Reed Warbler
    • Vinous-throated Parrotbill
    • White-cheeked Starling
    • Grey-backed Thrush
    • Daurian Redstart
    • Yellow-rumped Flycatcher